The last time we traveled to Italy was a bit over a year ago. Gio has grown since then (2 months from being 2 and a half years old) and traveling is different now! He now has his own seat which is so cute and funny to see him sitting independently and getting buckled in, even though he prefers to take it off and roam freely, touching everything in sight!
Up, up and away!! 🛫

So far he's done decently except for the ultra long 10.5 hour flight from SFO to Munich. There were some expected fussy tears here and there and thankfully we eventually stopped in Munich, for our 4 hour layover and we were able to stretch our legs a bit, grab some food and relax. Tip for parents: Allow the things you normally don't on a long flight if your little one is miserable, extra fussy and you can feel the anxiety rising within. iPad cartoons - check, extra fruit gummy bears - check, as long as he's comfortable, somewhat quiet and not waking up your neighbors, I consider it a success. Do whatcha gotta do!
After 4 hours, we boarded our last flight, Munich to Bari, Italy which was much better, surprisingly even with a smaller plane. Gio was exhausted and the minute we took off and pressure changed, he was fast asleep. I love how flight attendants are much more hands on in Europe and when a sweet one on that flight noticed Gio laying a bit uncomfortably on my arm from his seat, she quickly came with a new pillow to help this mama out. Grazie!

Less Crowds, Better Weather! ☀️

Compared to traveling here in the middle of summer like we usually do, we came a bit after the crowds had mostly died down which is a nice difference and weather is pheeww, so much better! I'm not drenched in sweat from the moment I wake up because its nice and cool and only hot during small windows of the day. It's actually pretty similar to our weather back home thankfully, although the mosquitos sure don't quit. It's a guaranteed discomfort every time I come! Oh well.. Aside from that it's been super sweet to see Gio with his nonno and nonna playing, eating pasta and visiting familiar places.

As a little girl I always envisioned traveling to new places and never thought I'd end up regularly visiting such a beautiful place to visit extended family and well... here we are exploring even more! The first couple days are always the hardest with jetlag and random napping hours for Gio but so far he's settling in nicely! Although the travel is long, and I hate being on a plane for too long (anxious flier) it's always worth it! We'll be here for a month so we can truly enjoy the time, not be so jetlagged for a good chunk of it, spend quality time with Vito's family, and visit new towns.
Here are some pics so far from our first couple days already here! :)

Stay tuned for more travel photos, videos and little updates along the way
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PS: In case you're wondering, La Vita Lenta = The Slow Life. And it's pretty nice change so far! :)
With lots of love, vino e pasta,
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